Plastic Bottles Saved


Plastic Bottles Saved

The Face of Male Grooming is changing


Luke and Kirstie Sherriff want men to start thinking about skincare in the same way they think about other aspects of their lives. Men know that having a good diet and doing a substantial amount of exercise will be reflected in how they look and feel, given then that over half of what you put on your skin is actually absorbed into the body the same attitude should be applied to their grooming routine. With that in mind in 2017 the couple launched Proverb in 2017 to provide men with targeted products that would make them feel better about their skin and body and ultimately change their outlook towards grooming. 


We Met

while studying at Oxford University back in 2000. We had a very clear view of how we wanted to live and the idea of following the well-trodden path of being a banker, lawyer or management consultant was not for us. - Kirstie

The Lucky Break

was when I was offered a professional rugby contract in 2001 with Harlequins to play in the premiership off the back of playing in the Varsity Match and for England 7’s in the Hong Kong 7’s.From there 11 years of professional sport left me in a great position to be able to start the next chapter of my life by joining Kirstie in her first product company, Pinks Boutique, our Soil Association certified organic skincare range for spas and salons. - Luke


 So, having been together since shortly after University we ended up along that road together which along with the above included getting married in Thailand in 2008, setting up Proverb, Life-fuelled Skincare for Men, and have having two awesome children together. - Kirstie

The Idea for Proverb…

Luke had been convinced for some time that the men’s market had huge untapped potential. Interestingly this in part came from how acceptable it is to be seen grooming in rugby changing rooms! They all seemed to be so comfortable and confident in their own skins that looking after the way you look to help you get ready to kill the day was just part of that winning nature. That and his passion for organic, clean eating to produce the best possible results on and off the pitch gave us the ideas that if we could align this idea in men’s heads that with the skin absorbing up to 60% of what you put on it they should be applying the same ethos of you get out what you put in to their skincare as they do their diet, training and attitude to life.


To Create the Products...

We took the very simple fact that natural, clean and organic ingredients time and time again as part of sport nutrition produce the best results, something I have experienced myself and that while people understand this in their diets they have not yet realised that this is also the case for skin care because many our unaware that up to 60% of what you put on your skin can be absorbed. The best way to explain it to people is to say you would never eat or drink something with things on the ingredient list you didn’t understand! The same is true of our skincare, we believe that anyone should be able to look down the ingredient list and understand 95% of what they see as being something they would happily put in their body giving them the confidence to put this on their body. -Luke

So, when it came to deriving what ingredients we used we went with the premise that if you would put it in a NutriBullet we would put in in our skincare. Ingredients rich in amino acids, omega fatty acids, anti-oxidants and free from toxins. - Kirstie 

Our Top 5 Ingredients...

Hyaluronic Acid (to increase hydration), AAA (to reduce oil production and blackheads), Blue Agaeve (to reduce wrinkles), Amino Acids and Peptitde complex (more wrinkle reduction) and Vitamin D (to maintain function of immune system and muscles).

Our bestselling product… 

The dual action Cleanse & Shave Nutrient Mud for sure! It’s both a fantastic facial cleanser and a calming shaving medium which helps reduce shaving rash. Those advanced skincare users can also use it as a mask! Having to only take one bottle around with you to do both things, only having to use half as much product all makes this product great for saving time and money! - Luke  


The Best Part of Our job…   

Working together! L&K