We are so proud to announce that our beloved hand sanitiser is not only helping the public protect themselves during the COVID-19 pandemic, but frontline heroes too. We have teamed up with the Air Ambulance to partner our “one-for-one” donation scheme, whereby for every product sold, we have matched the order and donated a hand sanitiser to the Air Ambulance Helicopter pilots.
We are so passionate about helping our community and coming together to all work as one during these tough times. Not to mention helping the environment in the process, as the amount of plastic consumption is set to rise further, as people are running to the shops to buy hand sanitiser.
Which is why, as opposed to the conventional plastic bottles you might find in your local shops, we have produced refillable packaging which is 100% recyclable, find your refillables here.
We are so proud to be supplying our one for one sanitiser donations to the Air Ambulance pilots. We live 30 minutes from a hospital, so I have always felt very grateful for their existence. Our 5-year-old is obsessed with their yellow (PROVERB coloured!) helicopters, so this partnership has caused lots of happy people in our house. Thank you so much to everyone who is buying the sanitiser to make these 'one for one' donation’s possible.
Our main aim is to do all we can to help our community during the pandemic, we may only be a small business, but we hope to make a big impact.
Our sanitiser has 70% alcohol in, so will kill all the germs that you don’t want in your home! As well as being sold in a handy spray bottle, eliminating the sticky gel residue that regular hand-gels are associated with. Spraying from a distance is a much safer way to apply the sanitiser and can allow you to cover anything from your hands to your home surfaces.
You don’t have to worry about the conventional sanitiser potent smell that stings the nose either. This product – unlike any other – is scented with a wild peppermint, eucalyptus, geranium, and lavender infusion.
John Fyall, from the Air Ambulance Charity said: “We were delighted when Proverb Skin got in touch recently, to offer to donate some hand sanitiser to the air ambulance team.
“The product will be helping our air ambulance pilots, and medical crews who can’t maintain social distancing in a helicopter, so PPE and hand sanitiser are vital in allowing them to continue their lifesaving operations during the COVID19 pandemic.”
Throughout the pandemic, community spirit continues to shine through the darkest of times. Businesses both small and large are coming together to help one another. Now, we believe that while hand sanitisers are going to become a handbag staple, the heroes that have helped us fight against COVID-19 should never have to go without their own staples of PPE.
by Madeliene Ireland