Plastic Bottles Saved


Plastic Bottles Saved

The Ultimate Recovery Routine

how to aid recovery after a workout

Proverb was founded around elite sport and getting the most out of what you put into and on your body. After our founders years in professional sports, it became our mission to create a brand that aided your training and recovery. 

This perfectly coincides with one of our Proverb founders, Ben who in 2021, will run for 12 hours non-stop, in 12 different locations in each of the 12 months of the year to raise money for The Samaritans - dealing with the many mental health and loneliness consequences of society having been forced to distance.

The first run was on the 30th January... and on Saturday 17th April 2021 he will do his local run around the Midlands.

Every seven seconds, the Samaritans respond to a call for help. No judgement. No pressure. They're here for anyone who needs someone.


What is happening on Saturday 17th April?

Ben will run for 12 hours non-stop around a 5K loop in Coventry. Exact route details below.

We’d love you to join in - for some, or all of this. As slow or as fast as you want, for as little or as much time as you wish. Another of our founders, Luke is also joining in and running part of loop with Ben!

The course will open at 07:00 and close at 19:00.

Between those times you are free to show up, and go as far, or for as long, as you can. Not because you have to, but because you want to.

Just join the loop (with your people / community or alone) and bring your 100%.
Allegr Charity
Ben’s 12 hour mission might be the headline, but the real story of the Campaign lies with YOU all - the people who show up on the day – and the many individuals across the country who will also be joining in remotely.

No matter if you want to run, bike, walk or even bring a picnic - everyone is welcome. If you would like to sign up ahead of Saturday, then please follow the link here, it is completely free to join in.

Allegr Charity

What is Allegr?

Ben Burch, one of the Proverb founders, founded the charity Allegr. This is what he had to say...

Allegr - started as a personal challenge after my younger daughter was born with a heart defect. The resulting open-heart surgery she went through, at just 4 days old, had a profound effect on my outlook and priorities. It shocked and reminded me to step up and make an impact.

The challenge - to run 100km in a day, and encourage some friends to join me - for as little or as much as they felt able. A simple goal - to raise money towards infant heart surgery research and how it could be improved.

What happened next was unexpected.

What started as a very personal goal, evolved into something much more profound. As we ran, more and more friends joined; stories were shared, experiences discussed. Spirits were buoyant. There was empathy, encouragement and an unspoken, mutual support, which evolved so naturally. No one wanted to stop. We had become a collective, with momentum and a bond.

What had started as a single, solitary goal had seamlessly become a united effort. With each km that passed, it became clear that, together, we were stronger, simply by being alongside one another. So much can be achieved when you combine this sense of unity with a dedicated and shared purpose.

The simple and raw activity of running together that day was the catalyst for this Community. This shared experience, which exposed personal stories and challenges, united the group and lifted each individual’s spirit. I realised this principle can be applied so broadly in life - especially with modern day challenges eclipsing fundamental happiness - the COVID-19 pandemic challenging our very understanding of connection.

Joy.... do we seek anything else? Once we see beyond the superficial, materialistic and empty measures of contentment and success that surround us, surely this is what matters most? Everyone has their story, everyone has challenges and everyone needs their crew to support them. A crew where you can belong and where you can thrive - this is what Allegr seeks to provide.

How to aid recovery

You may not be running for 12 hours like Ben, but what happens when you have headed back to the gym this week and your body is starting to feel the strain of the time away? 

Hydrate to aid recovery after sport


Drinking water is essential for post-workout recovery. According to a 2012 article in Sports Medicine, when you’ve completed a high-intensity workout or it’s a hot day, you also need to consider rebalancing your electrolytes. 

Electrolytes include minerals like magnesium, potassium, calcium and sodium, and are found in most foods. These minerals are important for your nervous system, and they also get used up during muscle contraction. You can get enough electrolytes for muscle recovery by implementing healthy eating habits and including plenty of fruit and vegetables.  

Using a foam roller 

There are many reasons why a foam roller might aid your recovery, but above all this is considered to be muscle relaxer for the areas that may be under particular strain from exercise. 

Particularly when running, just stretching alone is not always enough to release muscles tightness. Imagine a bungee cord with a knot tied into it and then envision stretching the cord. This creates tension, stretching the unknotted portion of the muscle and the attachment points. The knot, however, has remained unaltered.

Using a foam roller can assist in breaking up these muscle knots, resuming normal blood flow and function. The goal to any corrective or recovery technique is to get you back to the point of normal functioning, as if nothing was ever wrong in the first place.

Benefits of using a foam roller

Warm water recovery

While there is now doubt that sitting in a warm bath or hot tub is enjoyable, it also aids recovery, being great for circulation - but also to help sore or tight muscles to relax. This is where you can really aid your recovery... with Epsom Salts.

We have collaborated with Newton Wood Epsom Salts, made from 100% natural, organic Epsom salt, Newton Wood® crystals help soothe aches and pains in muscles and joints, aid recovery and relaxation, and add a new depth and power to your regular hair and skin care routines.

Easily dissolved in warm water, a simple and effective way to boost your health, energy and wellbeing every day.

Want to try some for yourself? Use code Proverb10% for 10% off their site and give your body the gift of relaxation.

Cold water recovery 

When you work out you may cause micro-damage to your muscles, which can result in swelling, inflammation and soreness. This process is normal, as the muscles are adapting to the workload and becoming stronger! 

If you are still sore one or two days after your workout, taking a cool bath could help to reduce inflammation. 

For any soreness that lasts more than five days, or if you have a very high level of pain, you should see a health professional.